Welcome to New Fellows
We would like to welcome the following individuals, who joined the Fellowship in 2022-23.
Fr Max Kramer
Fr Max grew up in Northumberland before studying Classics at Oxford, followed by ministry at St John’s College, Cambridge and a range of parishes. Before coming to Keble, he was Precentor of Canterbury Cathedral, where he founded and led ‘Sacred Space,’ offering hospitality, pastoral care, friendship, and worship to local students and young adults.
Alongside his priestly ministry, Fr Max has held a number of teaching posts at the Universities of Cambridge and Kent, where he taught Greek, Hebrew, Latin, and Classical and Biblical Literature. His research interests are in the Jewish-Greek Literature of the Hellenistic period.
Prof Christopher Proctor
Christopher Proctor is a Tutorial Fellow at Keble and an Associate Professor in Bioelectronics and BBSRC David Phillips Fellow at the Department of Engineering Science. His research is focused on developing bioeletronic systems to improve health care and advance bioscience.
Chris received a BSc in Interdisciplinary Physics from the University of Michigan and a PhD in Materials from the University of California, Santa Barbara. He joined the University of Cambridge as a Research Associate and Borysiewicz Biomedical Sciences Fellow. In 2020, Chris started as a BBSRC David Phillips Fellow and group leader in the Engineering Department at Cambridge, before moving to Oxford in 2022.
Dr Jennifer Soong
Jennifer Soong’s areas of research include poetry and poetics, aesthetics, and modern and contemporary American literature. She received her BA from Harvard and her PhD in English from Princeton.
Soong is currently working on two book projects. Poetic Forgetting investigates the evolution and legacy of a certain Modernist conception, that forgetting can constitute a creative principle and artistic practice. Her second book project, The Minor Poet, is an intellectual history of the figure of the minor poet.
She is also a poet and interested in small press publishing. Her books include Comeback Death (forthcoming with Krupskaya), Suede Mantis / Soft Rage (Black Sun Lit), and Near, At (Futurepoem).
Dr Jingyi Yang
Jingyi Yang obtained her bachelor's degree in aerospace engineering from Nanyang Technological University, under Professor Quang Cuong Pham's supervision, on robot motion planning for aircraft departure management. She then joined the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore, working on advanced manufacturing for aircraft interior components. After that, Jingyi joined the University of Oxford, where she completed her DPhil at the Department of Engineering Science, under the supervision of Professor Zhong You, researching origami- and kirigami-adapted thick-panel folding schemes for aerospace applications.