Life Stories

Some of the greatest treasures of Keble are its people and the wealth of their experiences and achievements. As a College, we have collected the obituaries of our alumni, Fellows and friends in the annual Record, which has been in publication since 1950 — and what a remarkable collection it has become!

In addition to The Record, we have decided to launch a new section on the Keble website entitled ‘Life Stories’, where we can share deceased Keblites’ lives more widely and more accessibly, including photographs and memories shared by family and friends. Although the section is still in its nascent stages, we hope to eventually compile a wide-ranging list of stories, which we will add to and update regularly. We will also continue to publish obituaries in The Record, along with a full list of deceased members, building on the wealth of material in our archives.

If you wish to contribute, please do get in touch.


Festival of Sport 2024


Alumni in Print