the brick

the newsletter for the keble community • issue 78 • hilary term 2024


Reflections from the Warden

Warden Dr Sir Mike Jacobs reflects on why Keble remains relevant and important.

We live in a precarious world and thanks to the 24-hour news cycle we are more aware of the potential threats to our safety, health and freedom of speech than ever before. Now more than ever the world needs leaders who are capable of grappling with complexity, and communicating complex ideas in an accessible way — powerful skills which are nurtured in our rigorous tutorial system.

College News

Student Life



Graduate Research Feature with DPhil Michal Staniaszek

Graduate student Michal Staniaszek (2022 DPhil Engineering Science) works at the Oxford Robotics Institute to develop software that helps autonomous robots like Spot navigate their environment.

You can also read about Michal and Spot at the BBC Christmas Lectures here.

Alumni News

Upcoming events

We warmly invite alumni and friends of the College to join us at our events. A full list of our upcoming events can be found on the Keble website. We look forward to seeing you soon!